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About SYCD

The South Yakima Conservation District is a subdivision of the State of Washington that seeks, utilizes, and coordinates assistance from all available sources. We are authorized under provisions of the Washington State Soil and Water Conservation District Law, Chapter 89.08  in the revised code of Washington (RCW).


Our primary goal is to promote the wise use, development, and conservation of our renewable natural resources by providing assistance to local landowners to address conservation resource concerns.


South Yakima Conservation District was organized and chartered by the State of Washington September 24, 1974. It was a consolidation of the former Toppenish District whose name changed from Wapato (1949) and Lower Yakima Valley District (1947).


The Conservation District is governed by a Board of five Supervisors who serve voluntarily. There are 45 Conservation Districts in Washington State.

Strategic Plans

South Yakima Conservation District maintains and updates strategic plans to outline priority areas for district programs and activities. These are the Annual Work Plan and the Five-Year Plan. Priority areas include natural resource priorities as well as district priorities.


The Annual Work Plan for 2024-2025 and the Five-Year Plan for 2022-2027 can be viewed in the attached documents.

Annual Work Plan 2024-25

Five-Year Plan 2022-2027


Office Staff

​District Manager

Rodney Heit -


Resource Conservation Planner

Savannah Crnick -​


Resource Conservation Technician

Bailey Draper -



Trish Hutchins -​​​​​​​​​​

Board Members


Dirk Van Slageren


Vice Chair

Javier Lopez


Board Member - Elected

Jeff Geertsma


Board Member - Elected

Kristyn Mensonides-Cruz


Board Member - Appointed

Ky Shinn

Board Meetings

Board Meetings are held on Wednesday during the first full week of each month at 4:00 PM. Meetings are held in person at the District office with a virtual Zoom option.


Upcoming Board Meeting Agendas will be available before each meeting as a Word document with the Zoom link.​



200 Cheyne Rd / P.O. Box 1766 Zillah, WA 98953
Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM
Office: (509) 829-9025
Field Cell: (509) 830-5271


©South Yakima Conservation District

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